Because of the discount, the customer then has an incentive to use the coupon with your affiliate ID embedded in it because they will receive the product for a less expensive price. 正因为有折扣让客户能以较低的价格购买产品,他们才有动力去使用嵌有您代销商ID的优惠券。
Some featured special promotions like a discount coupon scheme or a free gift offer or an association with a favourite character like a Wallace and Gromit campaign. 杂货店有特价促销活动,如赠送折扣券、免费礼品,或是与华莱士和小狗阿高讨人喜欢的卡通人物相的促销活动。
When the discount margin is greater than ( equal to, less than) the quoted margin, the index duration is the decreasing ( constant, increasing) function of the number of coupon payments remaining until maturity. 在贴现利差大于(等于、小于)基本利差时,利率久期是剩余付息次数的递减(不变、递增)函数;